South Carolina Cities Towns and Counties
City/Town | County | City/Town | County |
Abbeville | Abbeville | Lesslie | York |
Adamsburg | Union | Lexington | Lexington |
Adams Run | Charleston | Liberty | Pickens |
Adrian | Horry | Liberty Hill | Kershaw |
Aiken | Aiken | Little Mountain | Newberry |
Alcolu | Clarendon | Little River | Horry |
Allendale | Allendale | Little Rock | Dillon |
Alvin | Berkeley | Livington | Orangeburg |
Anderson | Anderson | Loar | Bamberg |
Andrews | Georgetown | Lobeco | Beaufort |
Angelus | Chesterfield | Lockhart | Union |
Appleton | Allendale | Lodge | Colleton |
Arcadia | Spartanburg | Lone Star | Calhoun |
Ashpoo | Colleton | Longcreek | Oconee |
Ashton | Colleton | Longs | Horry |
Atkins | Lee | Loris | Horry |
Awendaw | Charleston | Lowndesville | Abbeville |
Aynor | Horry | Lowrys | Chester |
Baldock | Allendale | Lugoff | Kershaw |
Ballentine | Richland | Luray | Hampton |
Bamberg | Bamberg | Lydia | Darlington |
Barnwell | Barnwell | Lykesland | Richland |
Batesburg | Lexington | Lyman | Spartanburg |
Bath | Aiken | Lynchburg | Lee |
Beaufort | Beaufort | Macbeth | Berkeley |
Belton | Anderson | Madison | Oconee |
Bennetts Point | Colleton | Manning | Clarendon |
Bennettsville | Marlboro | Marietta | Greenville |
Bethera | Berkeley | Marion | Marion |
Bethune | Kershaw | Mars Bluff | Florence |
Bishopville | Lee | Martin | Allendale |
Blackburg | Cherokee | Mauldin | Greenville |
Blackstock | Fairfield | Mayesville | Sumter |
Blackville | Barnwell | Mayo | Spartanburg |
Blair | Fairfield | McBee | Chesterfield |
Blaney | Kershaw | McClellanville | Charleston |
Blenheim | Marlboro | McColl | Marlboro |
Blue Brick | Marion | McConnells | York |
Bluffton | Beaufort | McCormick | McCormick |
Blythewood | Richland | Meggett | Charleston |
Bonneau | Berkeley | Myers Mill | Barnwell |
Borden | Sumter | Miley | Hampton |
Bowling Green | York | Millett | Allendale |
Bowman | Orangeburg | Minturn | Dillon |
Boykin | Kershaw | Modoc | McCormick |
Bradley | Greenwood | Moncks Corner | Berkeley |
Branchville | Orangeburg | Monetta | Saluda |
Brunson | Hampton | Mont Clare | Darlington |
Bucksport | Horry | Monticello | Fairfield |
Bucksville | Horry | Montmorenci | Aiken |
Buffalo | Union | Moore | Spartanburg |
Burgess | Horry | Mountain Rest | Oconee |
Burton | Beaufort | Mount Carmel | McCormick |
Cades | Williamsburg | Mount Croghan | Chesterfield |
Caesars Head | Greenville | Mount Holly | Berkeley |
Calhoun | Pickens | Mount Pleasant | Charleston |
Calhoun Falls | Abbeville | Mountville | Laurens |
Callison | Greenwood | Mullins | Marion |
Camden | Kershaw | Murrells Inlet | Georgetown |
Cameron | Calhoun | Myers | Charleston |
Campobello | Spartanburg | Myrtle Beach | Horry |
Candays | Colleton | Neeses | Orangeburg |
Carlisle | Union | Nesmith | Williamsburg |
Cartersville | Florence | Newberry | Newberry |
Cassatt | Kershaw | Newry | Oconee |
Catawba | York | New Zion | Clarendon |
Cateechee | Pickens | Nichols | Marion |
Cayce | Lexington | Nimmons | Pickens |
Centenary | Marion | Ninety Six | Greenwood |
Central | Pickens | Nixonville | Horry |
Chapin | Lexington | Norris | Pickens |
Chappells | Newberry | North | Orangeburg |
Charleston | Charleston | North Augusta | Aiken |
Charleston Heights | Charleston | North Charleston | Charleston |
Cheraw | Chesterfield | North Myrtle Beach | Horry |
Cherokee Falls | Cherokee | Norway | Orangeburg |
Cherry Grove Beach | Horry | Oakley | Berkeley |
Chesnee | Spartanburg | Oamplico | Florence |
Chester | Chester | Ocean Beach Dr. | Horry |
Chesterfield | Chesterfield | Olanta | Florence |
Clarks Hill | McCormick | Ora | Laurens |
Claussen | Florence | Orangeburg | Orangeburg |
Clearwater | Aiken | Osborn | Charleston |
Clemson | Oconee | Oswego | Sumter |
Cleveland | Greenville | Owings | Laurens |
Clifton | Spartanburg | Pacolet | Spartanburg |
Clinton | Laurens | Pacolet Mills | Spartanburg |
Pamplico | Florence | ||
Clio | Marlboro | Pageland | Chesterfield |
Clover | York | Parksville | McCormick |
Columbia | Richland | Parr | Fairfield |
Conestee | Greenville | Patrick | Chesterfield |
Converse | Spartanburg | Pauline | Spartanburg |
Conway | Horry | Pawleys Island | Georgetown |
Cooper | Williamsburg | Paxville | Clarendon |
Coosawhatchie | Jasper | Peak | Newberry |
Cope | Orangeburg | Peedee | Marion |
Cordesville | Berkeley | Pelion | Lexington |
Cordova | Orangeburg | Pelzer | Anderson |
Conronaca | Greenwood | Pendleton | Anderson |
Cottageville | Colleton | Perry | Aiken |
Coward | Florence | Pickens | Pickens |
Cowpens | Spartanburg | Piedmont | Greenville |
Crescent Beach | Horry | Pineland | Jasper |
Crocketville | Hampton | Pineville | Berkeley |
Cross | Berkeley | Pinewood | Sumter |
Cross Anchor | Spartanburg | Pinopolis | Berkeley |
Cross Hill | Laurens | Plantersville | Georgetown |
Dacusville | Pickens | Plum Branch | McCormick |
Dale | Beaufort | Pomaria | Newberry |
Dalzell | Sumter | Port Royal | Beaufort |
Darlington | Darlington | Poston | Florence |
Daufuskie Island | Beaufort | Princeton | Laurens |
Davis Station | Clarendon | Pritchardville | Beaufort |
Denmark | Bamberg | Prosperty | Newberry |
Dentsville | Richland | Rains | Marion |
Dillon | Dillon | Ravenel | Charleston |
Donalds | Abbeville | Reevesville | Dorchester |
Dorchester | Dorchester | Reidville | Spartanburg |
Dovesville | Darlington | Rembert | Sumter |
Drake | Marlboro | Richburg | Chester |
Drayton | Spartanburg | Richland | Oconee |
Due West | Abbeville | Richtex | Fairfield |
Dunbar | Marlboro | Ridgeland | Jasper |
Dunbarton | Barnwell | Ridge Spring | Saluda |
Duncan | Spartanburg | Ridgeville | Dorchester |
Early Branch | Hampton | Ridgeway | Fairfield |
Easley | Pickens | Rimini | Clarendon |
Eastover | Richland | Rion | Fairfield |
Edgefield | Edgefield | Ritter | Colleton |
Edgemoor | Chester | Rock Hill | York |
Edisto Beach | Charleston | Rodman | Chester |
Edisto Island | Charleston | Roebuck | Spartanburg |
Effingham | Florence | Round O | Colleton |
Ehrhardt | Bamberg | Rowesville | Orangeburg |
Elgin | Kershaw | ||
Elko | Barnwell | Ruby | Chesterfield |
Ellenton | Aiken | Ruffin | Colleton |
Elliott | Lee | Russellville | Berkeley |
Elloree | Orangeburg | Saint Charles | Lee |
Enoree | Spartanburg | Saint George | Dorchester |
Estill | Hampton | Saint Matthews | Calhoun |
Eutawville | Orangeburg | Saint Stephen | Berkeley |
Fairfax | Allendale | Salem | Oconee |
Fairforest | Spartanburg | Salley | Aiken |
Fairmont | Spartanburg | Salters | Williamsburg |
Fair Play | Oconee | Saluda | Saluda |
Filbert | York | Samaria | Lexington |
Fingerville | Spartanburg | Sandy Springs | Anderson |
Florence | Florence | Santee | Orangeburg |
Floyd Dale | Dillon | Santuck | Union |
Folly Beach | Charleston | Sardinia | Clarendon |
Foreston | Clarendon | Scotia | Hampton |
Fork | Dillon | Scranton | Florence |
Fort Lawn | Chester | Seabrook | Beaufort |
Fort Mill | York | Sedelia | Union |
Fort Motte | Calhoun | Sellers | Marion |
Fountain Inn | Greenville | Seneca | Oconee |
Four Holes | Orangeburg | Sharon | Pickens |
Frogmore | Beaufort | Sheldon | Beaufort |
Furman | Hampton | Shelton | Fairfield |
Gable | Clarendon | Shoals Junction | Greenwood |
Gadsden | Richland | Shulerville | Berkeley |
Gaffney | Cherokee | Silverstreet | Newberry |
Galivants Ferry | Horry | Simpsonville | Greenville |
Garden City Beach | Horry | Six Mile | Pickens |
Garnett | Hampton | Slater | Greenville |
Gaston | Lexington | Smith | York |
Georgetown | Georgetown | Smoaks | Colleton |
Gifford | Hampton | Smyrna | York |
Gilbert | Lexington | Society Hill | Darlington |
Glendale | Spartanburg | Spartanburg | Spartanburg |
Glenn Springs | Spartanburg | Springfield | Orangeburg |
Gloverville | Aiken | Starr | Anderson |
Goose Creek | Berkeley | Startex | Spartanburg |
Govan | Bamberg | State Park | Richland |
Gramling | Spartanburg | Strother | Fairfield |
Graniteville | Aiken | Sullivans Island | Charleston |
Gray Court | Laurens | Summerton | Clarendon |
Great Falls | Chester | Summerville | Dorchester |
Greeleyville | Williamsburg | Summit | Lexington |
Green Pond | Colleton | Sumter | Sumter |
Green Sea | Horry | Sunset | Pickens |
Greenville | Greenville | Swansea | Lexington |
Greenwood | Greenwood | Switzer | Spartanburg |
Greer | Greenville | Switzerland | Jasper |
Gresham | Marion | Sycamore | Allendale |
Grover | Dorchester | Tamassee | Oconee |
Gurley | Horry | Tatum | Marlboro |
Hagwood | Sumter | Taylors | Greenville |
Hamer | Dillon | Tigersville | Greenville |
Hampton | Hampton | Tillman | Jasper |
Hanahan | Berkeley | Timmonsville | Florence |
Hardeeville | Jasper | Toddville | Horry |
Harleyville | Dorchester | Townville | Anderson |
Hartsville | Darlington | Travelers Rest | Greenville |
Heath Springs | Lancaster | Trenton | Edgefield |
Helena | Newberry | Trio | Williamsburg |
Hemingway | Williamsburg | Troy | Greenwood |
Hickory Grove | York | Turbeville | Clarendon |
Hilda | Barnwell | Ulmers | Allendale |
Hilton Head | Beaufort | Una | Spartanburg |
Hodges | Greenwood | Union | Union |
Holly Hill | Orangeburg | Vance | Orangeburg |
Hollywood | Charleston | Van Wyck | Lancaster |
Honea Path | Anderson | Varnville | Hampton |
Honey Hill | Berkeley | Vaucluse | Aiken |
Hopkins | Richland | Verdery | Greenwood |
Horatio | Sumter | Wadmalaw Island | Charleston |
Huger | Berkeley | Wagener | Aiken |
Human | Florence | Walhalla | Oconee |
Inman | Spartanburg | Wallace | Marlboro |
Irmo | Lexington | Walterboro | Colleton |
Islandton | Colleton | Wampee | Horry |
Isle of Palms | Charleston | Wando | Berkeley |
Iva | Anderson | Ward | Saluda |
Jackson | Aiken | Ware Shoals | Greenwood |
Jacksonboro | Colleton | Warrensville | Aiken |
Jamestown | Berkeley | Wateree | Richland |
Jedburg | Dorchester | Waterloo | Laurens |
Jefferson | Chesterfield | Wedgefield | Sumter |
Jenkinsville | Fairfield | Wellford | Spartanburg |
Jericho | Charleston | West Columbia | Lexington |
Joanna | Laurens | Westminster | Oconee |
Johns Island | Charleston | West Union | Oconee |
Johnsonville | Florence | Westville | Kershaw |
Johnston | Edgefield | White Hall | Colleton |
Jonesville | Union | White Oak | Fairfield |
Kelton | Union | White Pone | Aiken |
Kershaw | Kershaw | White Rock | Richland |
Kinards | Newberry | White Stone | Spartanburg |
Kings Creek | Cherokee | Whitmire | Newberry |
Kingstree | Williamsburg | Whitney | Spartanburg |
Kline | Barnwell | Wilkins | Beaufort |
Ladson | Charleston | Williams | Colleton |
La France | Anderson | Williamston | Anderson |
Lake City | Florence | Willington | McCormick |
Lake View | Dillon | Williston | Barnwell |
Lamar | Darlington | Wilson | Clarendon |
Lancaster | Lancaster | Windsor | Aiken |
Lando | Chester | Windy Hill Beach | Horry |
Landrum | Spartanburg | Winnsboro | Fairfield |
Lane | Williamsburg | Wisacky | Lee |
Lanford | Laurens | Wolfton | Orangeburg |
Langley | Aiken | Woodford | Orangeburg |
Latta | Dillon | Woodruff | Spartanburg |
Laurens | Laurens | Woodward | Fairfield |
Leeds | Chester | Yemassee | Beaufort |
Leesville | Lexington | Yonges Island | Charleston |
Lena | Hampton | York | York |
Leo | Florence |